The Game Changers, a movie promoting the benefits of a plant-based diet on athlete performance has been gaining a lot of traction. With big sports stars involved like Lewis Hamilton, Novak Djokovic, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan and backed by Hollywood heavy weight director and producer James Cameron one can see why. However, for the uninitiated majority of those involved with this production including the chief science advisor are supporters of plant-based diets, leading to a somewhat biased slant. Therefore, the question needs to be asked “what does the research really say about plant-based diets and athletic performance”.

“love to put Viagra out of business, just by spreading the word on plant-based eating.”

James Cameron – The Independent 25/04/2018

Diets for athletic performance are extremely individualised and are geared towards the specific demands of the athlete and sport the individual competes in. In a very simplistic manner, it requires a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats to aid with the development of lean muscle mass, energy production and recovery matched against energy expenditure or calories burned throughout the day.

Gluten Free Diets

Athletes are always looking to find that extra edge over their competitors and diet is one area that can be utilized to good effect however, all that glitters may not actually be gold. A few years ago with the explosion of gluten and wheat intolerances and celiac disease a few athletes decided to go gluten free and claimed it was responsible for improving their athletic performance, even though they hadn’t been diagnosed as celiac.

Interestingly though these claims aren’t currently supported by the research, with a study in 2015 that took 13 competitive endurance cyclists with no history of celiac disease and compared their time trial performance while on a short term gluten containing diet and on a gluten free diet. The study showed athletic performance didn’t improve for the athletes on a gluten free diet with no history of celiac disease. Given, this study had a small sample size of 13 athletes and was conducted over a short time period (7-day diets) it is however currently the only study comparing gluten free and gluten containing diets on athletic performance in non-celiacs.

Ketogenic Diets

Ketogenic diets have been another diet trend amongst athletes, especially in the world of sports like CrossFit. Ketogenic diets are low in carbohydrates and high in fats, which at first glance seems counterproductive to athletic performance when carbohydrates are an athlete’s main source of energy. In the non athletic population Ketogenic diets or low carbohydrate diets have been shown to be beneficial with weight-loss and reductions in the risk of diabetes.

One could argue that reducing body mass might be an important goal in endurance and weight based sports however, the current limited literature looking at ketogenic diets and athletic performance does not support the use of ketogenic diets for athletic performance. Although ketogenic diets do not negatively impact performance, they may lead to unwanted decreases in lean body mass or a drop off in skeletal muscle hypertrophy. For more detailed information on ketogenic diets and athletic performance check out Melbourne city chiropractor Dr. Shannon’s blog.

Plant-Based Diets

As it is becoming quickly evident the current literature investigating diet and athletic performance is sparse and generally low in quality. This trend continues when comparing plant-based diets versus omnivore (animal and plant) diets and athletic performance, especially in the elite athletic population which is the premise of The Game Changers documentary.

A search of PubMed found only one review paper which systematically reviewed the current literature comparing vegetarian and omnivore diets with physical performance. The paper included 8 studies, 7 randomised controlled trials and 1 cross-sectional study and found there were no differences in athletic performance between a vegetarian-based diet and omnivore diet.

“As someone who follows a plant-based diet, I believe we need a healthier high street option that tastes amazing but also offers something exciting to those who want to be meat-free every now and again.”

Lewis Hamilton on his Neat Burger company – The Sun 29/08/2019

With such limited and low-quality evidence currently available comparing diets and athletic performance, it is extremely important in this commercial and marketing driven age that we step back and ask questions to understand where the truth lies, rather than letting a documentary “inform” us. Plant-based diets and reducing animal meat intake has been associated with health benefits, with a large section of the research on plant-based diets focusing on its potential risk reduction in chronic preventable diseases such as cardiovascular disease.

At present there is limited research available analysing its effects on athletic performance with no known larger scale multi-arm studies comparing a variety of diets on athletic performance. Currently the evidence does not show a positive association between a plant-based diet and athletic performance compared to other animal meat with plant based diets.

Final Thoughts on Plant-Based Diets

Diets for athletes, especially elite athletes are extremely individualised and what works for one athlete might not necessarily work for another. Whatever diet is chosen, plant-based or omnivore it should be driven by a nutritionist, dietitian or health professional with sports nutrition training and be grounded in the best evidence available.  

If you are looking for some guidance on sports nutrition or are wanting to optimize your bodies performance, Melbourne city chiropractor Dr. Shannon is well placed to help. For an appointment with sports chiropractor Dr. Shannon or our sports massage therapists, Paula Pena at our Melbourne CBD chiropractic clinic you can book below. Our chiropractic clinic is located in the Melbourne CBD on Collins Street, oppposite the Melbourne Town Hall.

Achilles Tendinopathies

Achilles tendon pain is a prevalent condition that is an extremely frustrating and challenging condition to treat for both patient and practitioner. Fortunately there is a strong and ever growing body of evidence that supports the use of heavy tendon load exercises in the treatment of tendinopathies, especially achilles tendinopathies (AT).

In September 2019, Melbourne city chiropractor Dr. Shannon published an article in the Chiropractic Australia, COCA News magazine examining AT and what the evidence currently tells us.

Taming Achilles Tendinopathies

By (Dr. Nicholas Shannon PGDipSEM, ICCSP)


image:magazine article on achilles tendinopathies

Tendinopathies, including Achilles tendinopathies (AT) are prevalent injuries that can affect anyone from a sedentary office worker to an elite athlete. AT classically present with pain, swelling of the tendon and impaired function (1). Tendinopathies are difficult cases to treat and often patients present having tried multiple treatment options without success.

There is evidence suggesting a genetic link to tendinopathies, with ABO blood typing being linked to tendon ruptures, the Tenascin C gene being linked to Achilles tendon injuries, as well as COL5A1 being linked to Achilles tendon pathology (2–4). There is also evidence associating high cholesterol with tendon pain, as well as a link between fluroquinolones (antibiotics), tendinopathies and tendon ruptures (5,6). Of more clinical importance is the link between tendon loads and tendinopathies (7,8).

The Role of Tendons

The role of tendons are to capture and release energy which occurs through type I collagen fibres and a well organised tendon cell structure (9). When excessive loads are placed on a tendon it results in cell breakdown including apoptosis, disorganisation and changes in the collagen fibre quality with an increase in type III collagen, break down of the cell matrix, and an increase in fatty tissue, proteoglycans (responsible for swelling in the tendon) and tenocytes (7,10–13). The break down and disorganisation of the tendon cell structure directly affects the tendons ability to store and release energy resulting in tissue breakdown, neovascularisation (infiltration of new blood and nerve vessels) and ultimately degeneration of the tendon (7,10–13).

This cell structure breakdown occurs on a sliding continuum which is directly related to tendon load, with a healthy tendon at one end and a degenerative tendon at the other (7). When there is continuous excessive tendon load, the mechanically compromised tendon slides down the continuum from a normal tendon, to a reactive tendon, into tendon disrepair, ending at a degenerative tendon (7,14). During this degenerative process there is no frank evidence of inflammation hence the terminology shift from tendonitis to tendinopathy (15). To learn more about the tendon continuum read through our additional blog on Achilles Tendinopathy.

Clinical Stages of Tendon Degradation

Clinically the 3 stages of tendon degradation present as follows (7):

Reactive tendinopathy – most commonly seen in acute overload, usually in the young population, with no prior history of tendon pain. On MR and ultrasound (US) the tendon will appear swollen with no signal change (MR) and diffuse hypoechogenicity (US).  

Tendon disrepair – can be seen in chronically overloaded young individuals, however it can be seen in a wide variety of ages across a spectrum of loading. The tendons are thickened with local changes in one area of the tendon. On MR and US, they will appear swollen, with high signal (MR) and small areas of hypoechogenicity and possible increased vascularity (US) within the tendon.

Degenerative tendon – is usually seen in the older population but can be seen in a young person or elite athlete with a chronically overloaded tendon. The typical patient is a middle aged, recreational athlete with focal Achilles tendon pain and swelling. There is usually a history of repeated tendon pain which self-limits with tendon load changes. These tendons have a higher risk of rupturing and cannot be rehabilitated. MR and US show an increase in tendon size, high signal (MR) and focal hypoechogenicity along with large and numerous vessels.

The most common type of tendinopathy seen in clinic will be the patient aged 40-60 years of age, with a past history of load exacerbations and an onset of increased pain following tendon overload (8). The tendon will be degenerative with reactive aspects. The next most common is the young person 15-25 years of age, acute onset of pain, swollen tendon, associated with a rapid increase in tendon load, aggravated by exercise and slow to settle (8).

Achilles Tendinopathy Treatment Interventions

Radial Extracorporal Shockwave Therapy (RESWT) – there is good quality, low level evidence to suggest RESWT is comparable to eccentrics for pain at 4 months and is superior to wait and see for pain and disability at 4 months for mid portion AT, as well as being superior to eccentrics at 4 months for pain and disability for insertional AT (16). A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials showed RESWT had a positive effect on pain and function in AT, however the study had high heterogeneity and used the QVAS (VISA-A is the gold standard) as the primary outcome measure (17).

Exercise Therapy – exercise therapy has been advocated for AT with evidence supporting improvements in pain and function in mid portion AT (8,18). Exercise therapy for AT typically consists of differing loading programs involving isometric, eccentric and concentric exercises. Currently there is no evidence to support one loading program over another with all programs resulting in improvements (19,20).  Commonly used protocols include the Alfredson protocol and a 4 stage tendinopathy rehabilitation program developed by Jill Cook (8,21).

Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) – a robust meta analysis of randomized controlled trials looking at the use of PRP and eccentric exercises versus placebo (saline) and eccentric exercises for chronic AT, found no difference between the groups for pain and function (VISA-A score) nor changes in tendon thickness (22). This is supported by another meta analysis that found inconclusive evidence to support the use of PRP in AT (23).

Corticosteroid injections – are associated with a high risk of adverse effects including tendon rupture, tendon atrophy, decreased tendon strength, there is also insufficient evidence to support the use of corticosteroid injections for AT (24,25).

Orthotics – there is no evidence to support the use of orthotics for the improvement in pain and function for AT (18).

NSAIDs – the use of NSAID’s in chronic AT appears redundant as there is no evidence of inflammation in the tendon. There is an argument they could be used to treat pain in the acute phase however, evidence shows they have little or no effect on the outcome of AT (1).

Surgery – there are a wide variety of invasive, minimally invasive and endoscopic techniques for treating mid portion AT. There appears to be no difference in outcomes between techniques (26,27). However, there are no studies comparing surgery to placebo or non-surgical interventions such as exercise therapy (27). There also appears to be highly variable complications risks associated with surgery (27). 

Conclusions on Achilles Tendinopathy

AT and tendinopathies are challenging for the clinician and patient. Tendinopathy treatment needs to be individualised and should focus on removing the “abusive” tendon load, correcting any malalignment and biomechanical problems, as well as utilizing exercise therapy to strengthen any deficient areas and to manage tendon pain and improve function. Shockwave therapy should be considered for those not responding solely to exercise therapy or used in addition to exercise therapy. Clinicians also need to manage the expectations of their patients, as tendinopathies can take several months and sometimes longer to rehabilitate (28). With exercise therapy being the primary treatment modality, chiropractors are well placed to be the first-choice clinician in the management of AT tendinopathies.

If you would like to read more about running related injuries which includes Achilles tendinopathy head over to our blog. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in treating tendinopathies Melbourne city sports chiropractor Dr. Shannon at the Shannon Clinic Melbourne Chiropractic and Sports Care are well placed to treat your tendon pain. Book an appointment today with chiropractor Dr. Shannon or remedial massage therapist Paula Pen at our Melbourne CBD chiropractic clinic which is centrally located on Collins Street in the Melbourne CBD opposite the Melbourne Town Hall.


  • 1.           Li H-Y, Hua Y-H. Achilles Tendinopathy: Current Concepts about the Basic Science and Clinical Treatments. BioMed Res Int. 2016 Nov 3;doi:2016:6492597.
  • 2.           Magra M, Maffulli N. Genetic aspects of tendinopathy. J Sci Med Sport. 2008 Jun;11(3):243–7.
  • 3.           Mokone GG, Gajjar M, September AV, Schwellnus MP, Greenberg J, Noakes TD, et al. The guanine-thymine dinucleotide repeat polymorphism within the tenascin-C gene is associated with achilles tendon injuries. Am J Sports Med. 2005 Jul;33(7):1016–21.
  • 4.           Mokone GG, Schwellnus MP, Noakes TD, Collins M. The COL5A1 gene and Achilles tendon pathology. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2006 Feb;16(1):19–26.
  • 5.           Tilley BJ, Cook JL, Docking SI, Gaida JE. Is higher serum cholesterol associated with altered tendon structure or tendon pain? A systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2015 Dec;49(23):1504–9.
  • 6.           Lewis T, Cook J. Fluoroquinolones and Tendinopathy: A Guide for Athletes and Sports Clinicians and a Systematic Review of the Literature. J Athl Train. 2014;49(3):422–7.
  • 7.           Cook JL, Purdam CR. Is tendon pathology a continuum? A pathology model to explain the clinical presentation of load-induced tendinopathy. Br J Sports Med. 2009 Jun 1;43(6):409–16.
  • 8.           Cook JL, Kahn K, Reiman MP. Why and How Exercise is the Best Treatment for Tendinopathy. Combined Sections Meeting of The American Physical Therapy Association 2016. 2016 Feb 17-20; Anaheim California USA.
  • 9.           Franchi M, Trirè A, Quaranta M, Orsini E, Ottani V. Collagen structure of tendon relates to function. ScientificWorldJournal. 2007 Mar 30;7:404–20.
  • 10.         Samiric T, Ilic MZ, Handley CJ. Characterisation of proteoglycans and their catabolic products in tendon and explant cultures of tendon. Matrix Biol J Int Soc Matrix Biol. 2004 May;23(2):127–40.
  • 11.         Danielson P, Alfredson H, Forsgren S. Distribution of general (PGP 9.5) and sensory (substance P/CGRP) innervations in the human patellar tendon. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Off J ESSKA. 2006 Feb;14(2):125–32.
  • 12.         Yu JS, Popp JE, Kaeding CC, Lucas J. Correlation of MR imaging and pathologic findings in athletes undergoing surgery for chronic patellar tendinitis. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1995 Jul;165(1):115–8.
  • 13.         Kraushaar BS, Nirschl RP. Tendinosis of the elbow (tennis elbow). Clinical features and findings of histological, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopy studies. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1999 Feb;81(2):259–78.
  • 14.         Longo UG, Ronga M, Maffulli N. Achilles tendinopathy. Sports Med Arthrosc Rev. 2009 Jun;17(2):112–26.
  • 15.         Maffulli N, Khan KM, Puddu G. Overuse tendon conditions: time to change a confusing terminology. Arthrosc J Arthrosc Relat Surg Off Publ Arthrosc Assoc N Am Int Arthrosc Assoc. 1998 Dec;14(8):840–3.
  • 16.         Korakakis V, Whiteley R, Tzavara A, Malliaropoulos N. The effectiveness of extracorporeal shockwave therapy in common lower limb conditions: a systematic review including quantification of patient-rated pain reduction. Br J Sports Med. 2018 Mar 1;52(6):387–407.
  • 17.         Liao C-D, Tsauo J-Y, Chen H-C, Liou T-H. Efficacy of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Lower-Limb Tendinopathy: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2018 Sep;97(9):605.
  • 18.         Wilson F, Walshe M, O’Dwyer T, Bennett K, Mockler D, Bleakley C. Exercise, orthoses and splinting for treating Achilles tendinopathy: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med. 2018 Dec 1;52(24):1564–74.
  • 19.         Habets B, Cingel R. Eccentric exercise training in chronic mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: A systematic review on different protocols. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2014 Apr 1;25.
  • 20.         Murphy M, Rio E, Chivers P, Debenham J, Docking S, Travers M, et al. The rate of improvement of pain and function in mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy with loading protocols: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocol. Sports Med. 2018 Aug;48(8):1875-1891.
  • 21.         Plas A van der, Jonge S de, Vos RJ de, Heide HJL van der, Verhaar J a. N, Weir A, et al. A 5-year follow-up study of Alfredson’s heel-drop exercise programme in chronic midportion Achilles tendinopathy. Br J Sports Med. 2012 Mar 1;46(3):214–8.
  • 22.         Zhang Y-J, Xu S-Z, Gu P-C, Du J-Y, Cai Y-Z, Zhang C, et al. Is Platelet-rich Plasma Injection Effective for Chronic Achilles Tendinopathy? A Meta-analysis. Clin Orthop. 2018 Aug;476(8):1633–41.
  • 23.         Hussain N, Johal H, Bhandari M. An evidence-based evaluation on the use of platelet rich plasma in orthopedics – a review of the literature. SICOT-J. 2017 Oct 9;doi: 10.1051/sicotj/2017036.
  • 24.         Hart L. Corticosteroid and other injections in the management of tendinopathies:  a review. Clin J Sport Med Off J Can Acad Sport Med. 2011 Nov;21(6):540–1.
  • 25.         Kearney RS, Parsons N, Metcalfe D, Costa ML. Injection therapies for Achilles tendinopathy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 May 26;(5):CD010960.
  • 26.         Lohrer H, David S, Nauck T. Surgical treatment for achilles tendinopathy – a systematic review. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2016 10;17:207.
  • 27.         Baltes TPA, Zwiers R, Wiegerinck JI, van Dijk CN. Surgical treatment for midportion Achilles tendinopathy: a systematic review. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017;25(6):1817–38.
  • 28.         Lipman K, Wang C, Ting K, Soo C, Zheng Z. Tendinopathy: injury, repair, and current exploration. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2018 Mar 20;12:591–603.

Supplements Are Big Business!

Sports nutrition supplements, more formally known as nutritional erogogenic aids are part of a supplement industry that is currently booming, with sales in Australia skyrocketing to $1billion dollars per year. It is not hard to miss manufacturers bold advertising campaigns, their lists of powders, pills and liquids for pre workout right through to post workout and recovery, all there to help you “train harder” and achieve “mass gains”. If you do miss the advertising, you cannot miss the plethora of blogs and websites dedicated to sharing what the “best” performance supplements to take are.

As a Melbourne city chiropractor who has undertaken sports nutrition in his postgraduate sports and exercise medicine training, sports chiropractor Dr. Shannon breaks down what you need to know about sport supplementation.

Do Supplements Really Work?

Do these advertised supplements actually work? The simple answer is well summed up by Professor Ron Maughan who said “if it works, it is probably banned (by WADA). If it is not banned, it probably doesn’t work.” However, there are some exceptions that we will get to. For elite athletes subjected to drug testing, ergogenic supplements can be a challenging area. Studies show high rates of contamination among supplements with one study ranging from 12-58%, predominantly for prohormones and stimulants. There are also everyday health considerations for non athletes, do you want to be ingesting a supplement containing a banned substances?

How To Protect Yourself From Banned Supplements

Thankfully there are some tools out there to help athletes and individuals to navigate through the challenging world of ergogenic supplements. There are fantastic sites like informed-choice who independently test batches of supplements to determine if they contain banned substances. The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) also have a sports supplement framework which is based around the best available evidence to determine the safety, efficacy and legality of different supplements.

Which Supplements Work And Which Are Banned?

Using the AIS framework it becomes clear which supplements have strong evidence to support their use and which don’t. Grade A supplements backed by strong evidence which aren’t banned include:

  • Caffeine
  • Beta-alanine
  • Bicarbonate
  • Beetroot juice (nitrates)
  • Creatine
  • Glycerol

Grade B supplements, those containing emerging evidence or deserve further research include:

  • Carnitine
  • Fish oil
  • Curcumin
  • Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)
  • Tyrosine
  • Vitamin C and E

Grade D supplements, those that are on the banned WADA list include:

  • DMAA (stimulant)
  • DMBA (stimulant)
  • DHEA (prohormone/hormone booster)
  • Maca root powder (prohormone/hormone booster)
  • “Peptides”

Final Thoughts on Sports Supplements

Don’t be drawn in by the bold advertising nor the websites and forums. Have a thorough understanding of the risks and benefits of any supplements being considered. Consult an appropriately trained health professional to see if you actually need to be taking any supplements at all, it maybe a change in diet and training is all that is required.

There are ergogenic supplements out there that have good evidence to support there ability to enhance performance in endurance, sprint and power sports – you can find more information on how protein enhances performance here. However, there are also a great deal of supplements out there that have no evidence to support there use and may well even include banned substances, so make sure you know what you are putting into your body.

If you are looking to improve your performance or just get the most out of your body, book an appointment today wtih Melbourne city chiropractor Dr. Shannon or remedial massage therapist Paula Pena at your Melbourne CBD chiropractic clinic on Collins Street, opposite the Melbourne Town Hall.

In mid to late 2016, Melbourne city chiropractor Dr. Shannon co-authored a paper on shoulder injuries with colleague Dr John Kelly IV orthopaedic surgeon at the University of Pennsylvania in the American Journal of Family Medicine. It was a bitter sweet achievement, with the hard work that went into the paper being offset by the disappointing finding that the journal was a predatory journal. Upon finding this news out John and Melbourne sports chiropractor Dr. Shannon made the difficult choice to withdraw our paper from the journal. We are still very pleased to be able to share it here.

An Evidence Based Approach to Shoulder Injuries

Shannon N1* and Kelly IV JD2*

1Sports Chiropractor, 9/220 Collins Street,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
2Director of Shoulder Sports Medicine, University of
Pennsylvania, USA


Shoulder pain is a complex and prevalent complaint for primary care physicians with up to 66.7% of the population experiencing shoulder pain at some point in their lifetime [1]. It is therefore important that primary care physicians have a thorough understanding into the anatomical and kinematic make up of the shoulder joint.

The glenohumeral joint is formed by the humeral head and the glenoid fossa of the scapula [2]. This creates a ball and socket joint, which results in a joint with a remarkable range of motion, but the trade off, is a joint which has a loss of biomechanical stability [2]. This is due to a humeral head with a large spherical shape articulating with a small fossa, similar to a golf ball and tee [2]. The stability of the joint comes from the surrounding soft tissue structures which includes the articular cartilage (labrum), the joint capsule and ligaments (coracohumeral ligament, superior, middle and inferior glenohumeral ligaments), the rotator cuff muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor) which supply the concave joint compression [2].

Movement at the glenohumeral joint is dependent on three other joints, the scapulothoracic, acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints. Together the movement that occurs between these 4 joints is called “scapulohumeral rhythm” [3]. During normal movement of the shoulder the scapula will upwardly and posteriorly tilt on the thorax during elevation of the arm in flexion, abduction, scapular plane abduction or unrestricted overhead reaching [4]. Scapulothoracic internal and external rotation are more inconsistent and are determined by the plane in which the arm is being elevated in and on what portion of elevation range of motion is considered. The motion of the scapula is dependent on scapular rotating muscular balance, with excessive internal rotation, or protraction, the result of muscle weakness. The scapular must adjust in the transverse plane for the intended plane of elevation [5].

The complexity of the joint complex, coupled with the lack of biomechanical stability of the glenohumeral joint exposes the joint to injury [6]. The more common mechanism of injuries to the shoulder include direct and indirect trauma to the shoulder (FOOSH injury, direct blow to the shoulder, high force impact to the shoulder, lifting a heavy object), repetitive overuse and disruption to the scapulohumeral rhythm [3,5-8]. From here injuries can be classified as acute, chronic, stable, unstable, strains, tears (partial thickness, full thickness, degenerative). It is also important to consider the cervical and thoracic spine when evaluating a suspected shoulder injury as there can be concomitant injury to both [9].

Exercise also plays an important role in determining what type of shoulder injury has been sustained, with different injuries associated with different sports. Table 1 provides a list of sports, the common types of shoulder injuries seen in that sport, and the more common mechanism of injuries.

There is an exhaustive list of potential injuries that can occur with the shoulder. This manuscript will provide an evidence based overview on the more common shoulder injuries seen in clinical practice, how they should be evaluated, and what treatment options are available to primary care physicians.


Shoulder impingement is a very common shoulder complaint which is believed to be associated with rotator cuff disease [23]. It can be broken down into different categories. There is external impingement, internal impingement, which can then be further divided into anterior, posterior and coracoid impingement [5].

External Impingement

External shoulder impingement is usually confined to the subacromial space and is associated with overhead overuse. The pain is commonly anterior with overhead activities, and is due to the compression or abrasion of the cuff tendons or long head of the biceps tendon beneath any aspect of the coracoacromial arch [24]. Common causes are structural and degenerative, such as acromion spurs, shape of the acromion, degenerated cuff tendon [25]. In patients under 40 years of age where external impingement is suspected, further investigation is required, as often there is will other factors involved such as instability, scapular dyskinesis. A protracted scapula will lessen the acromial humeral distance and potentiate impingement. Many patients can be success can be successfully treated with scapula rehabilitation instead of acromioplasty.

Internal Impingement and Posterior
Capsular Tightness

Internal shoulder impingement usually occurs in younger athletes involved with overhead sports such as baseball, swimming, tennis. The pain is usually posterior and occurs in the late cocking phase of throwing. It is due to the humeral head loss of centricity in the glenoid fossa, either as a result of laxity in the anterior capsule, tightness in the posterior capsule, a type II labral injury, or scapular dyskinesis [25]. Internal impingement occurs when the posterior edge of the supraspinatus and the anterior edge of the infraspinatus impinge against the posterior superior glenoid and labrum in the late cocking position [26].

Another source of shoulder pain is due to microtrauma of the posterior shoulder capsule and cuff, leading to scarring and contracture causing a reduction in internal shoulder rotation ie. glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) [25]. This then causes the humeral head to rotate posterior superiorly, impinging the rotator cuff between the humeral head and glenoid [25].


Assessment should always consist of a thorough history and physical exam. The physical exam should look to confirm the impingement syndrome as well as the potential cause of the impingement including tendon pathology, scapular dyskinesis, capsule laxity or instability. Physical exam tests to assess for
impingement include active and passive range of motion, Neer impingement sign, Hawkins test, horizontal adduction, resisted abduction, scapular assistance test and scapular retraction test [27-28]. Throwers should undergo a full kinetic chain evaluation, with particular attention paid to abduction weakness, lead and stance leg hip rotation deficits and quadriceps tightness.

If warranted, further imaging will be driven by the diagnosis and should include plain films [29]. Ultrasound and MRI are equally as good at picking up tendon pathology [29]. MRI and MRA (gold standard) are best for identifying labral tears [30].


Scapular motion is a key factor when assessing and treating impingement with scapular motion abnormalities identified in subjects with impingement and rotator cuff disease [31]. Without correction of the dysfunctional shoulder kinematics the impingement mechanism will remain. Therefore a targeted stretching and strengthening program is important to assist in reducing pain and improving function [32]. It is important though to combine the exercise therapy with other treatments, as exercise alone is not as effective as combined treatments with exercise [33]. With combined therapies and treatments yielding better results than single interventions alone [33].

Acute patients tend to respond well to ultrasound guided cortisone injection, followed by a structured rehabilitation program, whereas those who have injections alone tended to fare worse [33,34]. Exercise therapy with specific exercises combined with kinesio tape and acupuncture are ideal for patients with early shoulder impingement. While low level light therapy and localised NSAID injections are not recommended [33]. Nitroglycerine patches may help cuff pain. PRP injections are currently inconclusive. Correction of kinetic chain abnormalities may require abductor strengthening, quadriceps and hip stretching as well as scapular repositioning exercises.

Surgical treatment options such as arthroscopic acromioplasty, bursectomy, subacromial decompressive surgery, labral and cuff repairs should be considered to aid in restoring normal function to an impinged houlder where the impingement is due to acromion spurring or glenohumeral joint instability or in long standing cases [33].

Labral Tears

The labrum is a dense fibrous tissue that is attached to the periphery of the glenoid fossa, increasing the depth and width of the glenoid fossa [35]. This results in greater stability of the shoulder while still allowing for increased range of motion. The labrum also serves as the attachment site for the long head of the biceps with 40 to 60% of the fibres inserting into the supraglenoid tubercle and the remaining into the labrum [36]. Other structures serving as attachment sites for the labrum include the long head of the triceps and glenohumeral ligaments.

Labral tears can occur at any point around the labrum, but the more common labral tears include SLAP tears (Superior Labral Anterior Posterior) and Bankart lesions [35].

SLAP Tears

The most common mechanisms of injury for a SLAP tear are forced traction on the shoulder such as a external rotation and hyperextension force, and direct compression (acute traumatic or chronic-overhead throwing athlete) [35]. There are four classes of SLAP tears [36]:

Type I: degenerative tear of the under surface of the superior labrum with the biceps anchor intact.
Type II: tear of the superior labrum as well as of the biceps anchor.
Type III: bucket-handle tear of the superior labrum with biceps anchor intact.
Type IV: bucket-handle tear of the superior labrum with extension into biceps tendon

SLAP tears tend to present with deep pain in the shoulder which can be sharp or dull [35]. The pain can be aggravated by overhead activity, pushing or lifting a heavy object. There maybe catching, popping or clicking and often there will be other associated shoulder conditions present [35]. Throwing athletes may present with pain in the late cocking phase or early acceleration phase of throwing, which may also be accompanied by weakness or decreased velocity [25,35].

Bankart Lesions

Bankart lesions occur when the humeral head shifts anterior and inferior out of the glenoid fossa. In doing so it damages the anterior inferior labrum, glenohumeral ligaments, joint capsule and rotator cuff [35]. They are seen in 85-97% of anterior shoulder dislocations [37,38]. The end result is anterior instability as a result of the damaged structures, as well as the loss of negative pressure the labrum creates to hold the humeral head in the socket [35]. The main symptom of a Bankart lesion therefore will be instability and subsequent pain which is usually associated with a dislocation event or recurrent episodes of instability.

The key physical examination tests to evaluate for a labral tear or Bankart lesion include, Shift and Load, Andrews “pitcher” provocation test, Kim 1 and Kim 2, Sulcus sign, abduction with inferior distraction, O’Brien’s, Apprehension test, Crank test [28,35,39]. Kuhn’s Test comprises of Sulcus sign, abduction and
inferior distraction and Yergason’s test. If all three are negative there is a 6% of a SLAP tear, if one is positive there is a 14-20% chance of a SLAP tear and if 2 or more are positive there is a 34-66% of a SLAP tear, which warrants an MRA [40]. MRI and MRA (gold standard) are best for identifying labral tears [30].


The treatment of first time dislocated shoulders remains very controversial; however in the absence of significant glenoid or humeral bone loss, rehabilitation may be a viable option. The presence of a bony bankart lesion or large Hill Sachs lesion will likely be best treated with surgical repair.

Most surgical cases can be successfully managed with an arthroscopic approach. However, if glenoid bone loss exceeds 25%, then a coracoid transfer procedure (Latarjet) may be the best recourse. The initial treatment of SLAP labral tears should involve a period of conservative treatment for 6-12 weeks, which should include, rest, physical therapy and nonsteroidal anti inflammatories, with the goal of reducing pain and improving shoulder function [28]. Those failing conservative treatment and overhead throwing athlete’s, should consider arthroscopic repair which has shown predictably good functional results with an acceptable rate of return to play [36].

Rotator Cuff Tears

Rotator cuff pathology is associated with 30-70% of cases of shoulder pain with anywhere between 5-40% involving tears [41]. The rotator cuff muscles are comprised of the infraspinatus, supraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor muscles. The cuff muscles together act to stabilize the humeral head in the glenoid fossa and to facilitate movement of the arm [42]. Injuries to the rotator cuff include strains, tendonitis (impingement syndrome) and tears.

There are two categories of tears, acute traumatic and chronic degenerative. Acute tears usually occur in younger athletes and often involve a FOOSH injury, high energy trauma, heavy lifting, shoulder dislocation [42]. Chronic degenerative tears occur in older individuals, with the incidents of rotator cuff tears increasing with age [43]. Many chronic tears tend to be asymptomatic and often involve chronic overuse, mechanical impingement, normal age degeneration of the tendon, and lack of blood supply to the tendon [42]. Additional risk factors include smoking, hypercholesterolemia and genetics [43].


On examination there is usually pain on palpation, weakness with or without pain on manual muscle testing, pain when elevating the arm overhead and difficulty sleeping on the affected shoulder. There is no relationship between the severities of pain to the size of the tear [44]. But increased pain or worsening pain indicates tear progression. Orthopaedic assessment should include the Hawkins-Kennedy test, infraspinatus muscle test, and painful arc, as well as internal rotation lag sign, external rotation lag sign, lift off test, dropping sign as well as empty can and bear hug test [45].


Imaging work up is useful in patients who present with 6 weeks or more of rotator cuff tears symptoms. Plain film X ray and ultrasound together are recommended as the most valid imaging method to exclude tendon rupture in those unresponsive to conservative management [41]. MRI is excellent at identifying full thickness tears. The evidence for the use of MRI to identify partial tears is conflicting [41,46]. MR arthrograms only have limited usefulness when compared with MRI [41]. There is no consensus statement yet as to which imaging method is more precise at identifying full and partial thickness tears.


Conservative management over surgical repair for rotator cuff tears has been proven to be beneficial in some studies over the short and long term, while others have shown early surgical intervention provides better outcomes [46]. Conservative management needs to involve an individualised rehabilitation program that focuses on range of motion optimization, scapular stabilization and core abdominal strengthening. NSAIDs can be used in the first 3-4 weeks to manage pain levels, but in the long term they provide no benefit in restoring function to the shoulder [41]. In general, patients with two tendon tears are likely best served with surgical repair.

There is inconclusive evidence regarding the benefit of PRP injections in the treatment of rotator cuff pathology, although one recent study has shown PRP in association with surgical repair of medium to large tears improved the quality of the tendon, but not the healing rate [47].

Surgical management of rotator cuff tears

There is no obvious long term difference in open vs. arthroscopic cuff repair. However repairs performed with the arthroscopy do realize less pain. Furthermore, larger retracted tears are better visualized with arthroscopy so that mobilization and side to side repairs can be afforded. Subscapularis tears may be present in up to 35% of rotator cuff lesions and must be addressed in order to attain optimal results.

Clavicular Fracture

Clavicular fractures account for 35-45% of all shoulder girdle fractures. Middle ⅓ fractures account for 81% of all fractures, with 17% lateral ⅓ and 2% medial ⅓ [48]. The most common mechanismof injury involves a fall on the lateral shoulder which commonly occurs in cyclists and motorcycle pilots, less common causes include a direct blow or FOOSH injury [6].

It is uncommon to have secondary complications associated with the fracture, but pneumothorax, hemothorax and injuries to the brachial plexus and subclavian arteries have been reported [49]. Examination should therefore include a neurovascular and lung exam.

Plain film x ray is sufficient to identify the fracture with the Zanca, or cephalic view essential to assess displacement. Non displaced fractures in any region of the clavicle can be treated conservatively with a sling, ice and analgesics [6]. With elbow range of motion exercises started when tolerable. Shoulder range of motion and strengthening exercises should begin once the fracture has healed.

There is a slight increase in risk of delayed non-union in displaced fractures treated conservatively compared to surgical repair. Surgical repair is also associated with better function and less disability in the short term since clavicle strut shortening is associated with scapular protraction [48]. Displaced fractures may require surgical intervention if more than 2cm shortening is seen and scapula dyskinesis is present.


Shoulder pain is a complex, common complaint seen by primarycare physicians. It is pertinent that primary care physicians have a sounds understanding of the anatomy and kinematics of the shoulder, and understand the potential impact sports have on the shoulder. This knowledge coupled with an evidenced based approach to examination and management should enable primary care physicians to more accurately diagnose and more appropriately management common shoulder injuries.

If you made it this far congratulations and you might enjoy reading some of Melbourne city chiropractor Dr. Shannon’s other published works such as his article on injuries in elite tennis players and sports related concussion. If you would like to make appointment to see Melbourne CBD sports chiropractor Dr. Shannon or remedial massage therapist Paula Pena you can book online below. You will find our Melbourne city chiropractic clinic on Collins Street, opposite the Melbourne Town Hall.


  1. Luime JJ, Koes BW, Hendriksen IJ, Burdorf A, Verhagen AP, Miedema HS,
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Evidence Based Approach To Shoulder Injuries

In January 2016, Melbourne city chiropractor Dr. Shannon published his first journal paper titled “Running Medicine: A Clinician’s Overview” which was published the the peer reviewed Chiropractic Journal of Australia. This paper would be the impetus for a series of journal papers Melbourne city sports chiropractor Dr. Shannon would go on to write which included papers co-authored by sports medicine physicians and orthopaedic surgeons on shoulder injuries, injuries in elite tennis players and sports concussion.

Below is a text copy of the paper with a link to the journal at the end.


Running is associated with a variety of sports, but as a stand-alone activity its popularityhas exploded. Running is an efficient way to increase physical fitness and lose weight. As a result there has been a rise in charity fun runs and races [1, 2]. Today the number of recreational runners far exceeds competitive runners [3].

Like all physical activities there are injury risks associated with running, with injuries rates reported from 19-79% of participants per year [4]. Despite the great advancements in shoe technology and materials since the inception of the modern running shoe in the 1970s, running injury rates have remained largely unchanged [5].

Acute injuries in running are generally rare, with 80% of all injuries due to overuse. 37-56% of runners are expected to endure an overuse injury each year [1,6]. The most common injury sites in runners are the knee and Achilles tendon, which account for nearly 20% of all running injuries [6]. When expressed as a percentage of body part, the knee accounts for 25% of all injuries, followed by the lower leg (20%), the foot (16%), ankle (15%), upper leg (10%), hip/pelvis (7%) and the lower back (7%) [7].

The most prevalent injuries seen in runners are Achilles/calf injuries, iliotibial band injuries, meniscal injuries, patellofemoral pain syndrome, hamstring and quadriceps injuries [2]. Running injuries are associated with 2 consistent predictors, total miles run and previous injury [6].

With such high participation rates and high injury rates there is a strong probability that primary care physicians will see patients with a running-related injury. It is therefore important to understand the types of injuries runners have, the potential biomechanical and technique related-causes associated with running injuries and the different foot striking patterns runners adopt. This paper will provide an overview of the more common running injuries encountered in practice, the mechanical and technique deficiencies associated with running injuries and the different types of foot-striking patterns.


Common Running Injuries Seen In Practice

There are scientists who believe we were born to run [9]. This was created out of a need to hunt for prey to survive and it is this belief that has driven the trend of barefoot running. When shoes are removed one can appreciate the anatomical complexities involved with running. This primarily involves the great toe, heel, ankle, knee, hip, pelvis and lower back. These are the areas which assist in absorbing the ground reaction forces associated with running, and higher ground reaction forces may be associated with a greater risk of injury [10,11].

Running injuries can be linked to overuse, higher ground reaction forces, previous injuries, orthotic inserts, and biomechanical and technique deficiencies [1,6,10,11]. These may result in complaints such as tendinopathies, tendon and muscle strains and tears, stress reactions and fractures [2,12,13]. Table 1 shows some of the more common running injuries seen in clinical practice.

Since 80% of running injuries are associated with overuse, it is important to establish the potential cause(s) of the injury, with many injuries being multifactorial [14-16]. Stress reactions and fractures are related to higher ground reaction forces, which are often associated with running kinematics. Mileage, improper footwear, training surfaces and poor musculoskeletal conditioning are associated with tendinopathies and strains.

Common Clinically Seen Biomechanical Deficiencies

Biomechanical and technique deficiencies have been identified as potential risk factors for running injuries [13,17,18]. One of the most common running injury, patellofemoral pain syndrome, which accounts for 17% of running injuries [19], has been linked to several different biomechanical factors, including reduced muscle strength and altered mechanical loading, lower limb kinematics and muscle activation patterns during running [20].

Table 1. Common running injuries

Lower limb kinematic studies tend to investigate the hip angle (flexion, adduction, drop, internal rotation), knee angle (flexion) and ankle angle (flexion, eversion, inversion) [21]. These joints are most prevalent in absorbing ground reaction forces and as a result, deficiencies here will lead to injury. Tables 2 and 3 show some of the deficiencies runners may have.

Table 2. Biomechanical deficiencies [22-24]

Since running injuries are multifactorial, treatment should focus on addressing all of the deficiencies involved with the injury. This may include rehabilitation and strengthening, changes in training habits, correcting technique errors and/or footwear, changes in step rate and alterations to foot strike [2,6,27].

Striking Patterns

Striking patterns refers to how a runner hits the ground with their foot. Runners can be a rearfoot striker (RFS), a midfoot striker (MFS) or a forefoot striker (FFS). RFS strikers account for 75% of all runners in traditional shoes, MFS 24% and FFS 1% [28]. RFS and FFS strikers exhibit differing load absorbing behaviors of the lower limb which can potentially lead to injuries or can potentially be used to help prevent injuries [26,28]. MFS impact loads sit in between RFS and FFS [28].

RFS have been shown to exhibit higher vertical impact peaks and load rates which have been associated with tibial shock,stress fractures, plantar fasciitis and patellofemoral pain [11,29,30]. RFS are also associated with increased loading of the muscles in the anterior compartment as a result of the dorsiflexed ankle. This may then lead to hypertrophy and increased pressures in the anterior compartment, and ultimately to exertional compartment syndrome [31].

Table 3. Technique deficiencies [25-27]

To combat the injury risks associated with RFS, a FFS pattern has been suggested as a way of reducing running-related injuries [26]. FFS has been shown to reduce patellofemoral contact force and patellofemoral stress [26]. There is also limited evidence to suggest that during the braking phase of the gait cycle, there is lower eccentric quadriceps work compared to RFS, potentially resulting in lower knee loading [32]. However, FFS results in greater plantar flexion of the ankle and this causes higher plantarflexion movement and Achilles strain, compared to RFS, which may increase the risks of foot and ankle injuries [25,33,34].

Step rate change (the number of steps per minute), has been associated with lower ground reaction forces and has been suggested as a possible avenue to help reduce the risk of running injuries. Forefoot running is closely associated with barefoot running and evidence suggests barefoot runners have reduced rates of loading compared to RFS in shod shoes, as well as a shorter stride length, which also has a load reducing effect [28]. Increasing the step rate by 5-10% helps to reduce bounce, lower extremity stiffness and moves the striking foot under the body. Reducing energy absorbed by the hip, knee and ankle and reducing the energy in the patellofemoral joint; however, it may increase the impact loading of the tibia if the rate is greater than 164 steps per minute [27].


Due to the high participation and injury rates seen in runners it is important for primary care physicians to be aware of the more common running injuries, the deficiencies that potentially contributed to the injury and how foot strike pattern may contribute to injuries but may also be beneficial in treating running injuries. When working with runners a multifactorial approach is required to improve lower limb strength, correct any malalignments and reduce ground reaction forces through strategies like changes to training habits, strengthening programs and changes to step rates and foot striking.

The article can be found at the Chiropractic Journal of Australia website. If you would like to read more about running related injuries you might find our blog on “Running Injuries Slowing You Down?” or our article in The Australian Chiropractor magazine on Achilles Tendinopathy.

If you are struggling with a running related injury or keep breaking down with injuries, make an appointment to see Melbourne city chiropractor Dr. Shannon today. Additionally, for those looking for sports massage to help flush their legs during training, our Melbourne remedial massage therapist Paula Pena is available. Our Melbourne CBD chiropractic clinic is located on Collins Street, opposite the Melbourne Town Hall.


1. van der Worp, Maarten P, ten haaf, Dominic SM, et al. Injuries in runners: A
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2. Fields Karl B. Running injuries: changing trends and demographics. Current Sports
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5. Richards CE, Magin PJ, Callister R. Is your prescription of distance running shoes
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20. Escullier JF, Roy JS, Bouyer LJ. Lower limb control and strength in runners with and
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34. Williams D, McClay I, Manal K. Lower extremity mechanics in runners with a
converted forefoot strike pattern. J Applied Biomechanics 2000; 16:210–8.

Melbourne sports chiropractor Dr. Shannon has been working in sports and exercise medicine since 2007, the same year he open his Melbourne city chiropractic clinic on Collins Street. Since then Dr. Shannon has undertaken further studies in the sports medical field, published papers, worked at a variety of elite sporting events and a variety of elite athletes both domestically and overseas. You can find more specifics by reading through “about sports chiropractor Dr. Shannon’s profile”.

Sports Chiropractor In The Press

In 2016, following on from working at the Macau GP, IRB Hong Kong Rugby 7’s and completing further sports and exercise medicine training in the US and Hong Kong, Melbourne city chiropractor Dr. Shannon was approached by Fairfax journalist for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age Joshua Jennings to discuss the experience Dr. Shannon had during the IRB Hong Kong Rugby 7’s tournament, in addition to his career in sports chiropractic and sports medicine up to that point.

In these discussions sports chiropractor Dr. Shannon shed light on what it is like to be a part of the medical support team that covers an international event like the IRB Hong Rugby 7s, which at the time also included providing pitch side coverage to the lead up supporting events during the week which was called the “Hong Kong Rugby Fest“. This involved a domestic competition, as well as an international schoolboys competition which invited various aged school boys from a select number of countries across Asia.

Melbourne Sports Chiropractor Reflects

As wonderful experience it was to share sports chiropractor Dr. Shannon’s experience and passion for working in sports chiropractic and sports medicine, on reflection Dr. Shannon feels the attention of internationally renowned events like the Hong Kong 7’s can deflect from where the real pitch side trauma care is needed in sport; school and amateur level sports. What wasn’t covered in the article is that during the Rugby Fest there were more consistent high grade injuries seen than in the professional competition. Injuries Melbourne city chiropractor Dr. Shannon personally oversaw included an ACL rupture in a female athlete, a fractured wrist in a school boy, a concussion with an associated central cord neuropraxia amongst a host of cuts and abrasions. The toughest part being once a pitch side diagnosis was made, in many cases there was no avenue to allow for a follow up with the athlete to make sure they were receiving the appropriate care and treatment.

Following on from this experience, Dr. Shannon has continued working in elite sport, and has written various published papers on sports medicine related subjects including sports related concussion and injuries in elite tennis players with domestic and internationally renowned sports medicine physicians and orthopaedic surgeons.

To read The Age article you can find it here:

Dr. Nicholas Shannon – Sports Chiropractor